Thermocontractable equipment, Vacuum equipment
Thermocontractable equipment
Vacuum equipment
Thermocontractable equipment, Vacuum equipment

About our company

 We are glad to present our company. We have been working in the market of packaging and food equipment since 1992. The Director of the company is Prisyazhnyy Victor Stepanovich. He had got a 14-years experience in this sphere. We present the equipment of leading foreign manufactures, such as "Revent International AB" (Sweden), "Rondo Doge" (Switzerland), "Gostol-Gopan" (Sloven), "WODSHOW Bear" (Denmark), "Wabama" (Germany), "SIAT" (Italy), "SmiPack" (Italy) and of more then 20 Russian manufacturers.

  At present time our company offers a wide range of the equipment:
  • macaroni equipment
    automatic macaroni lines, automatic and semi-automatic macaroni press machines, conveyer and high-temperature lines for macaroni drying;
  • bakery and confectionary equipment
    rotary ovens, hearth ovens, conveyor ovens, kneading machine, mixers, fermentation cabinet, dough divider, dough sheeting machines, baler, pastry machines, machines for glaze coating, compressor guns – batchers, pancake and doughnut machines, bread slicers;
  • packaging equipment:
      - for powder products (macaroni, croup, roasting nuts, sugar, dried crust);
      - for dust-forming products (flour, dried milk, starch, fodder for fish, soda);
      - for piece products (bread, buns, cookies, spice-cakes, candies, ravioli);
      - for small pre-packing (tea, sugar, coffee 3x1);
      - for fresh vegetables to string-bags;
      - packaging equipment for group package (pallet-packaging machines, strapping machines, molders and gluers of the baskets, thermocontractable machines);
  • equipment for the production of Russian nuts
    calibration, washing, roasting, cooling, cleaning, packing;
  • equipment for the production of chips and vegetable mixtures;
  • another food equipment
    meat, ravioli, cutlets, canning, milk.
  Technical personnel of our company make commissioning, teaching the stuff, contribute to the operative realization of warranty repair, make the service. There are more than 60 names of various equipments in our stock.
  We consult, show the active productions and test manufacture. We also provide for a spare parts and packaging materials.
    Our main advantages:
  • wide spectrum of qualitative and modern equipment and consumables;
  • prices of manufacturers;
  • cumulative reduction system;
  • personal service center;
  • using of the new forms of calculations (credit, leasing, trade-in of second-hand equipment);
  • eminently qualified specialists;
  • many years experience of working in the market of the food equipment;
  • realizing deliveries to CIS.

The address of our head office: Makeyeva Avenue 58/6, Miass, Chelyabinsk region, Russia, 456320
Phone/fax: +7(3513)530-022, +7(3513)536-535, +7(3513)536-909

The address of our brunch office:
  1. St.250 years to Chelyabinsk 34, structures 2, Chelyabinsk, Russia, 454021
    Phone/fax: +7(351)211-03-23
  2. Chernyahovskogo st. 55 office 25, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 620010
    Phone/fax: +7(343)287-96-67, +7(343)228-00-55
Вакуумная упаковочная машина Златовак

Упаковочная термоусадочная машина Уралпак-Термо

Настольный запайщик пакетов УралПак-ЭММА

Педальные запайщики пакетов УралПак-50, УралПак-55, УралПак-50 Универсал

Термоусадочная машина Уралпак 100

Термоусадочная машина Уралпак 200

Термоусадочная машина Уралпак 400

Термоусадочные аппараты УралПак 500Р, УралПак 500РУ, УралПак 500РУЭМ

Полуавтомат для упаковки хлеба Уралпак Коврига

Миасс:+7 (3513) 53-00-22 (многоканальный)
Екатеринбург: +7 (343) 287-96-67, 228-00-55
Уфа: +7 (347) 246-58-62, 246-58-63
Москва: +7 (495) 668-12-19
Санкт-Петербург: +7 (812) 309-05-81
Саратов: +7 (8452) 24-99-85
Пермь: +7 (342) 259-40-30, 259-40-29
Казань: +7 (919) 613-10-78
Новосибирск: +7 (383) 227-90-47
Краснодар: +7 (861) 203-39-03
Красноярск: +7 (391) 291-10-27
Владивосток: +7 (423) 230-21-33
Ростов-на-Дону: +7 (863) 303-64-55
Астана: +7 (7172) 78-81-16
Алматы: +7 (727) 349-98-97

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